
From an early age singing and writing songs was a natural part of Mette Juuls life.

In 2007 Mette Juul won the International Jazzartist Competition in Tallinn, in which 12 singers from 8 contries participated.

Mette Juul earned a degree from The Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen.

Mette Juul released her debut album “Coming In From The Dark” in 2010 with the danish drummer legend Alex Riel, Jesper Lundgaard on bass, Heine Hansen by the piano and guests Palle Mikkelborg on trumpet and Poul Halberg on guitar.

Juuls second album “Moon On My Shoulder” was released in 2012 with trumpetter Ambrose Akinmusire, Lars Danielsson – bass, Morten Lund – drums and Nikolaj Hess – piano.

Mette Juul released her third album “There is a Song” september 18th 2015 on Universal Music Group. The album consisted mainly of music and lyrics by Mette Juul, recorded with amarican trumpetter Ambrose Akinmusire, drummer Rodney Green, Joe Sanders on bass, Mike Moreno on guitar and danish pianist Nikolaj Hess.

Mette Juul released her fourth album Change (2019) on Universal Music Denmark and the follow-up New York – Copenhagen (2020). A line up of remarkable musicians such as Lars Danielsson, Mike Moreno and Ulf Wakenius among others.

Critically acclaimed Danish jazz singer, songwriter and guitarist Mette Juul presents her 6th solo release, Celeste, on respected label Naxos-Prophone on November 10. A blend of personal interpretations of timeless American classics as well as modern compositions and some original work written by Juul, Celeste is a collection creative storytelling through modern jazz. Joined by celebrated guitarist Mike Moreno and award-winning multi-instrumentalist Lars Danielsson whom also featured on Juul’s earlier EP New York – Copenhagen, Celeste marks Juul’s first big feat since 2020.

Reviews & articles

Quotes from reviews:

Celeste – 2023:

GAFFA 5 star review 2023
“smukkere og mere eftertrykkeligt stilfuldt end nogensinde før”
“mere frygtløst og nøgent”
“Call is vocal charisma. Danish singer Mette Juul has an exceptionally intimate and unadormed voice”

“The singular voice that accompanies the melody is truly captivating, perfectly capturing the music’s essence and ambience in a free and authentic way”.

“”Beautiful Love” is a harmonious fusion of jazz and flamenco elements, resulting in a work that touches the hearts of those who are privileged to hear it”. Radio Armazém BRAZIL

“Mette Juul has a natural and sensitive way of singing that creates a warm and intimate atmosphere. Juul is singing with a deep connection to the listener”

“a brilliant and wide-ranging use of her voice” Jazzrytmit Finland


“Having heard a full preview of the album, I can say that the listener should be prepared to be transported into the enchanting world of Mette Juul where music transcends time and space to touch the depths of the human soul”. Read more: Jazz in Europa oct. 2023


“The only other singer I can recall who achieved that same effect was the late Shirley Horn”. Lance Liddle -London Read Review
“Juul framför melodierne med djup känslighet med sin behagelige varme stemme. Hon sjunger med en beherstad men samtidig naken och rörlig röst og har fuld kontroll över sin ton och frasering, även når musikken skifter karektär” Orkester Journalen, Patrik Sandberg nov. 2023


Change – 2019 :

“a major musical accomplishment from Juul”
5 star review : Change – All about Jazz.

“Frau Juul ist eine der ganz großen Vocaljazz-Entdeckungen der letzten Jahre”
6 star review Germany

“Mette Juul is a distinguished vocalist. Her voice is at the same time vulnerable and powerful, and her phrasing is just perfect “ Henrik Palle – Politiken DK

It is the combination of the eminant compositions / songs, the high musical / technical level and the singer´s calm composure, vocal personality and sound that make the album something out of the ordinary” 5 star review : Change – Ivan Rod – DK

“The voice of Juul is a trademark because it flows naturally with the essens of the music”
Review – Change – Musica Jazz – Italy.

“what a delightful listening experience it is”
Review – CHANGE – Lance Liddle – London

“Sången är personlig och varm, hon visar en stor äkthet och en bedövande närvaro i sina sånger, med texter, som inte bara är tilltalande, utan fängslande”
Review – Change – Opulens – Sweden.

“Det här albumet är verkligen lätt att tycka om. Mette Juul sjunger andras och egna sånger till eget och andras gitarrackompanjemang, och det är bara att slå sig ner och njuta.”
Review – Change – Kulturdelen Sweden.

There is a Song : Quotes :

“Juul is one of those artists who creep up on you and grow upon you and, as you absorb the melodies and the intriguing lyrics, suddenly you’re in love with a voice” Lance Liddle, London Jazznews.

“Jazz singer and songwriter Mette Juul combines vocal jazz with folk musics warm intimacy
on an elegant album with contributions from the American trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusire”…/rastloese-sange-forener-vokaljazz-me…/

“Mette Juul has a bright rich scandinavian voice full of heartfelt presence”
Niels Overgård, Jazznyt, DK.

“affecting delicacy, caressing the lyrics with palpable care…” Jazzwise UK.

“Rich scandinavian voice full of heartfelt presence” Jazznyt, DK.

Concert reviews :

“Sie gilt als eine der besten Jazzvokalistinnen Europas, was ihr Auftreten und ihre warme, klare Stimme im ausverkauften Jazzclub bestätigte” Bamberg Germany – Live concert.

“Sie gilt als eine der besten Jazzvokalistinnen Europas, was ihr Auftreten und ihre warme, klare Stimme im ausverkauften Jazzclub bestätigte. Teilweise zu eigener Gitarrenbegleitung interpretierte sie mit viel Überzeugungskraft, Sinnlichkeit und Courage sowohl eigene Lieder als auch Songs von bekannten Songwritern wie Joni Mitchell, Thelonious Monk und Cole Porter

“Mette Juul und band bringen internationalen Jazz an die Ostsee” 2017

“Die dänische Jazz-Sängerin Mette Juul und Band haben dem Publikum im Mitbürgerhaus einen außergewöhnlichen Jazz-Abend beschert. Die Ausnahmesängerin und ihre vortreffliche Band spielten auf höchsten Niveau und aus einem Guss.” Eckernfoerder zeitung

More :

“Mette Juul ist beinahe eine Offenbarung wie sie heute nur selten zu erleben sind. Natürlichkeit und klarheit wirken empathisch and unterstützen das ungeschribene Dekret, Musik soll kommunikativ sein- und nachhaltig wirken”. Germany – Jazzpodium-Vocal tail.

“Ambrose Akinmusire har en smakfullt framträdande roll på skiven. Jeg fäster mig för hans originale infall, som skickligt vävs in i Mette Juuls uttryckfulla och spännande säng”… “allt till en lysande Mette Juul” Lasse Seger, Orkesterjournalen

“..quietly compelling vocals.”
Marlbank, Stephen Graham

Münich Newspaper (in German) (in Danish)

Jazznyt, DK. (in Danish)

“Mette Juul is a singer whose voice digs deep and creeps slowly into the depths of the mind”.
“Mette Juul takes Lund by storm”

“Mette Juul assert herself in the front line of female vocalists…”
Politiken DK

Articles & Interviews:

Interview with Mette Juul – All about Jazz 2020
Featured album – ABC Jazz Australia 2020.

Interview on Musica Jazz Italy 2015